Tag: edmond rotschild
Weekly Economic Insights – 17 september 2018 – Mid-term elections in...
Economist insights: In the United States, the mid-term elections are drawing near and inflation is decelerating, in the eurozone the ECB maintains its course...
Economist insights: The confidence of US purchasing managers and the employment report remain upbeat, the Italian public deficit should be revised higher, and Swiss...
Weekly Economic Insights – April 23rd 2018 – US and eurozone...
Economist insights: Inertia of long-term rates in the US and the euro zone, stable Chinese growth (p.1)
› Despite the rise in oil prices, 10-year yields...
Edmond de Rothschild – Weekly Economic Insights
Economist insights: The US budget and inflation, credit in China and Brazil’s monetary policy (p.1)
› In the United States, consumer prices rose more sharply than...