Edmond de Rothschild – Weekly Economic Insights

Economists' insight: The Fed steals Donald Trump’s thunder

Economist insights: The US budget and inflation, credit in China and Brazil’s monetary policy (p.1)

›       In the United States, consumer prices rose more sharply than expected in January, but their year-on-year increase remained stable, underpinning our scenario of a moderate rise in inflation

›       The impact on GDP growth of the budget act approved by Congress, which could increase federal spending by USD300bn over two years, should be limited in 2018, due to the delay in its adoption

›       Credit figures in China suggest reduced recourse to credit through shadow banking, in line with Beijing’s will to control the country’s financial risk

›       The Brazilian central bank cut its key rates to a historical low. We believe this accommodative stance is nearing its end, given the strengthening growth momentum

Weekly Economic Insights - February 19th 2018 - US budget, inflation & retail sales_ Chinese credit & rate cut in Brazil


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